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Organisations groan under their toxic meeting culture. All those hours spent behind the screen or in a meeting room, where does it all lead to?

In my book, I give a number of tips. Tips I found in Priya Parker's book, The Art of Gathering. But also by advocating more asynchronous collaboration.

Yesterday, during a conversation with a client, another idea came up: it is the lack of ownership and proactivity that causes this proliferation of meetings and mails.

The nail on the head.

Heigthened self-consciousness.

Readiness to define our high-value activities.

Asynchronous collaboration.

Proactivity in scheduling focustime.

Belief in an internal locus of control.

All of them are intertwined. All of them are critical success factors to move towards a world with more well-being, less distractions and more productivity.

Let’s set sail together to find that new, healthy balance.

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Updated: Jun 11, 2021

What are the first three words that pop op in your head when I say: Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.



Information Overload?

Well I think that this is just one way of looking at social technologies.

A good participation in online communities is about

1. Mindfulness

Because before sharing your knowledge you take the time to reflect. The perfect antidote for the daily hustle bustle.

The opposite of distraction.

A good participation in online communities is also about

2. Building up a powerful network, a community that helps you answering your questions.

The opposite of isolation.

A good participation in online communities is also about

3. Information filtering.

Because the network is like a fishing net. A fishing net that catches relevant information and filters it.

The opposite of information overload.

That’s what I learn my participants in the learning track connect | share | lead.


with those people from whom you want to learn. And do it in a conscious and planned way.


  • knowledge, not just information

  • share knowlegde that comes from other people, not just your own knowledge for it’s a great way to build trust

  • your questions, show up as a vulnerable person

And then ultimately you will lead.

Because you have built up a powerful network.

Because you are more aware of your time, your knowledge and your talents.

Because people see you as a trustworhty person. Someone to follow.

Because you have become a lifelong learner.

As I said

First Connect

Then Share

Then Lead

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